Part Time Jobs in United States
Find the best suited part time jobs in United States for you through Applicant Finder. Begin your career with us and we will make sure you land your dream job. Our hiring network is spread all across the United States, with recruiters always looking to hire new talent into their organization. It’s never been so easier to find part time jobs in United States.
At Applicant Finder we ensure you find what you’re looking for, and through our sophisticated search design we have enabled our recruiters to search for potential candidates from all over the United States for any and all part time jobs available. We match the potential candidates who are looking part time work to recruiters who what to hire part time employees.
Jobs for Part Time
We have an a wide range of part time jobs available at our website, from writing to design to medical assistance and so much more, we have everything that you are looking for. Become a part of our network and explore job opportunities from all over the United States.
Applicant Finder is the best place to look for part time jobs as we have recruiters looking for candidates from all industries, we offer good part time rates and ensure a your documents are provided to the correct recruiter for the correct job.
Part-Time Jobs near Me
Find the best part time jobs near you through Applicant Finder, with our team of experts always here to help you look for the best suited job near you, you will find the best part time job in no time.
Go to our website and sign up as a candidate, fill out our candidate information form and start your career today. At Applicant Finder we make dreams come true.
How much do part time jobs pay in USA?
The average part time salary in the USA is $31,200 per year or $16 per hour. Entry level positions start at $25,350 per year while most experienced workers make up to $52,001 per year.
What is the best part time job in USA?
Best part-time jobs:
- Physical Therapist Assistant.
- Dental Hygienist.
- Interpreter and Translator.
- Massage Therapist.
- Physical Therapist Aide.
- Nail Technician.
- Taxi Driver.
- Maintenance and Repair Worker.
What is the highest paid part time job in USA?
Top 8 Highest Paying Part-Time Jobs
- Private Tutoring. If you have significant experience or education in a particular subject, you might be able to translate that into a high-paying tutoring gig. ...
- Accountant. ...
- Programmer. ...
- Editor. ...
- Truck Driver. ...
- Graphic Designer. ...
- Writer / Copywriter. ...
- Management Analyst.
Is $15 an hour good pay?
$15 is a good hourly wage, but if you can't make this salary work for your lifestyle, then it might be best to look for a better paying job or pick up a side hustle.
Is it OK to work part-time?
Working part-time is ideal for family-oriented individuals – especially those who value the opportunity to pick up their young children from school. Part-time workers enjoy increased free time in which to pursue extracurricular activities.
Is 5 hours a day part-time?
Unfortunately, there's not a simple definition of part-time hours. Many part-time positions have hours ranging anywhere from 5 to 35 hours a week. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal law that mandates issues such as a national minimum wage, overtime pay, and child labor.
Is 6 hours a day part-time?
The number of hours that an employee works to be considered part-time can vary. However, as a general rule, employees who work between 20 and 29 hours per week are considered part-time employees.
How a woman can earn money at home?
Here is a list of some easiest and simple ways by which homemaker/ housewives can earn money.
- Selling Handmade Products Online. ...
- Cooking. ...
- Freelance Writer. ...
- Becoming a Child Tutor. ...
- Make-Up and beautician work. ...
- Online Surveying. ...
- Online Data Entry.